EC English 2020 Fiyat Listesi

Aşağıda EC English Dil Okulu 2020 fiyat listesi bulunmaktadır. Bu fiyatlar üzerinden dönemsel olarak promosyonlar uygulanmakta olup, fiyat teklifleriyle ilgili bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

EC English Dil Okulu 2020 Fiyat Listesi Program Tipi Süreler (Hafta) & Fiyatlar ( Amerika USD, İngiltere GBP, Kanada CAD, İrlanda EUR, Avustralya AUD, Yeni Zelanda NZD, Güney Afrika EUR) Kayıt Ücreti Konaklama Ayarlama Ücreti Konaklama Ücreti (Haftalık) H. Alanı Karşılama Sağlık Sigortası Haftalık
4 8 12 24 36 Aile Yurt
Amerika Boston General English 1600 3200 4560 - - 160 90 365 400 140 25
Semi-Intensive English 1780 3560 4860 9000 13500
Intensive English 2040 4080 5640 9960 14960
English for Work 2040 4080 - - -
English in the City 2040 4080 - - -
Academic English 2040 4080 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 9,000 / 24 Hafta, 13,500 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 9,960 / 24 Hafta, 14,940 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® TOEFL 2040 4080 5640 - -
New York General English 1820 3640 4860 - - 160 90 420 525 180 25
Semi-Intensive English 2000 4000 5520 9480 14220
Intensive English 2240 4480 6180 10920 16380
English for Work 2240 4480 - - -
English in the City 2240 4480 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 9,480 / 24 Hafta, 14,220 / 36 Hafta
Intensive TOEFL Exam Preparation 2240 4480 6180 - -
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 10,920 / 24 Hafta, 16,380 / 36 Hafta
New York 30+ General English 1820 3640 4860 - - 160 90 420 525 180 25
Semi-Intensive English 2000 4000 5520 9480 14220
Intensive English 2240 4480 6180 10920 16380
English for Work 2240 4480 - - -
English in the City 2240 4480 - - -
Washington, DC General English 1600 3200 4560 - - 160 90 300 535 150 25
Semi-Intensive English 1780 3560 4860 9000 16500
Intensive English 2040 4080 5580 9960 14940
English for Work 2040 4080 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 9,000 / 24 Hafta, 13,500 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 9,960 / 24 Hafta, 14,940 / 36 Hafta
San Francisco General English 1600 3200 4560 - - 160 90 350 545 140 25
Semi-Intensive English 1780 3560 4860 9000 13500
Intensive English 2040 4080 5580 9960 14940
English for Work 2040 4080 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 9,000 / 24 Hafta, 13,500 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 9,960 / 24 Hafta, 14,940 / 36 Hafta
Academic English 2040 4080 - - -
Intensive TOEFL Exam Preparation 2040 4080 5580 - -
San Diego General English 1640 3280 4680 - - 160 90 340 525 125 25
Semi-Intensive English 1820 3640 5040 9240 13860
Intensive English 2080 4160 5700 10200 15300
English for Work 2080 4160 - - -
Academic English (20 GE + 10 Academic English) 2080 4160 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 9,240 / 24 Hafta, 13,860 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 10,200 / 24 Hafta, 15,300 / 36 Hafta
Intensive TOEFL Exam Preparation 2080 4160 5700 - -
Los Angeles General English 1640 3280 4680 - - 160 90 320 690 155 25
Semi-Intensive English 1820 3640 4980 9240 13860
Intensive English 2080 4160 5700 10200 15300
English for Work 2080 4160 - - -
Academic English 2080 4160 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 10,200 / 24 Hafta, 15,300 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 10,200 / 24 Hafta, 15,300 / 36 Hafta
Intensive TOEFL Exam Preparation 2080 4160 5700 - -
Miami General English 1600 3200 4560 - - 160 90 450 590 135 25
Semi-Intensive English 1780 3560 4860 9000 13500
Intensive English 2040 4080 5580 9960 14940
English for Work 2040 4080 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 9,000 / 24 Hafta, 13,500 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 9,960 / 24 Hafta, 14,940 / 36 Hafta
Kanada Montreal General English 1320 2640 3780 7200 10800 130 220 240 425 125 30
Semi-Intensive English 1440 2880 4140 7920 11880
Intensive English 1600 3200 4620 8880 13320
English for Work 1600 3200 - - -
English in the City 1600 3200 - - -
Semi-Intensive Academic Semester/Year 7,920 / 24 Hafta, 11,880 / 36 Hafta
Academic Semester/Year 7,200 / 24 Hafta, 10,800 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 8,880 / 24 Hafta, 13,320 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS 1600 3200 4620 - -
Toronto General English 1360 2720 3900 7560 11340 130 220 280 545 115 25
Semi-Intensive English 1480 2960 4260 8160 12240
Intensive English 1640 3280 4740 9120 13680
English for Work 1640 3280 - - -
English in the City 1640 3280 - - -
University Pathway Programme 1600 3200 4620 - -
Academic Semester/Year 7,560 / 24 Hafta, 11,340 / 36 Hafta
Semi-Intensive Academic Semester/Year 8,160 / 24 Hafta, 12,240 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 9,120 / 24 Hafta, 13,680 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC** 1360 2720 3900 - -
Toronto +30 General English 1360 2720 3900 7560 11340 130 220 280 545 115 25
Semi-Intensive English 1480 2960 4260 8160 12240
Intensive English 1640 3280 4740 9120 13680
English for Work 1640 3280 - - -
English in the City 1640 3280 - - -
Vancouver General English 1360 2720 3900 7560 11340 130 220 245 350 115 30
Semi-Intensive English 1480 2960 4260 8160 12240
Intensive English 1640 3280 4740 9120 13680
English for Work 1640 3280 - - -
English in the City 1640 3280 - - -
University Pathway Programme 1640 3280 4740 9120 13680
Academic Semester/Year 7,560 / 24 Hafta, 11,340 / 36 Hafta
Semi-Intensive Academic Semester/Year 8,160 / 24 Hafta, 12,240 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 9,120 / 24 Hafta, 13,680 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS/TOEFL  1360 2720 3900 - -
İngiltere London General English 1260 2520 3360 6000 9000 50 30 240 295 85 -
Intensive English 1560 3120 4200 - -
English for Work 1560 3120 - - -
English in the City 1560 3120 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 6,000 / 24 Hafta, 9,000 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 7,320 / 24 Hafta, 10,980 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS(20) 1260 2520 3360 - -
Higher Score® IELTS(30) 1560 3120 4200 - -
London +30 General English 1260 2520 3360 6000 9000 50 30 240 295 85 -
Intensive English 1560 3120 4200 7320 10980
English for Work 1560 3120 - - -
English in the City 1560 3120 - - -
Oxford General English 1220 2440 3240 5520 8280 50 30 210 280 140 -
Intensive English 1540 3080 3840 6840 10260
English for Work 1540 3080 - - -
English in the City 1540 3080 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 5,520 / 24 Hafta, 8,280 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 6,840 / 24 Hafta, 10,260 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS (20) 1220 2440 3240 - -
Cambridge General English 1220 2440 3240 5520 8280 50 30 185 295 110 -
Intensive English 1540 3080 3840 6960 10440
English for Work 1540 3080 - - -
English in the City 1540 3080 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 5,520 / 24 Hafta, 8,280 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 6,960 / 24 Hafta, 10,440 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS (20) 1220 2440 3240 - -
Higher Score® IELTS (30) 1540 3080 3840 - -
Brighton General English 1200 2400 3120 5400 8100 50 30 180 295 95 -
Intensive English 1520 3040 3780 6720 10080
English for Work 1520 3040 - - -
English in the City 1520 3040 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 5,400 / 24 Hafta, 8,100 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 6,720 / 24 Hafta, 10,080 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS (20) 1200 2400 3120 - -
Higher Score® IELTS (30) 1420 3040 3780 - -
Bristol General English 1140 2280 2820 5280 7920 50 30 195 210 50 -
Intensive English 1420 2840 3480 6480 9720
English for Work 1420 2840 - - -
English in the City 1420 2840 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 5,280 / 24 Hafta, 7,920 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 6,480 / 24 Hafta, 9,720 / 36 Hafta
Higher Score® IELTS (20) 1140 2280 2820    
Higher Score® IELTS (30) 1420 2840 3480 - -
Manchester General English 1180 2360 3180 5400 8100 50 50 185 235 40 -
Intensive English 1520 3040 3780 6840 10260
English for Work 1520 3040 - - -
English in the City 1520 3040 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 5,400 / 24 Hafta, 8,100 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 6,840 / 24 Hafta, 10,260 / 36 Hafta
Intensive IELTS Exam Preparation 1520 3040 3780 - -
  Dublin +30 General English 1200 2400 3420 5280 7920 45 45 240 325 80 10
Intensive English 1400 2800 4020 6000 9000
English for Work 1400 2800 - - -
English in the City 1400 2800 - - -
Malta Malta General English 860 1720 2280 - - 45 30 245 270 25 10
Intensive Mini Group 1780 3560 - - -
Intensive English 1280 2560 2820 - -
English for Work 1280 2560 2820 - -
English in the City 1280 2560 - - -
Mini Group 1440 2880 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 4200 / 24 Hafta, 6300 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 5160 / 24 Hafta, 7740 / 36 Hafta
Cambridge Exam Preparation(30) 1280 2560 2820 - -
Cambridge Exam Preparation(20) 860 1720 2280 - -
Club 50+ Mini Group 20 and Activity 1860 3720 - - -
Higher Score®  IELTS/TOEFL 1280 2560 2820 - -
Malta +30 General English 860 1720 2280 4200 6300 45 30 245 270 25 10
Intensive English 1280 2560 2820 5160 7740
English for Work 1280 2560 2820 - -
English in the City 1280 2560 - - -
Business Mini Group 1560 3120 - - -
Intensive Business Mini Group 1920 3840 - - -
Club 50+ Mini Group 20 and Activity 1860 3720 - - -
Güney Afrika Cape Town General English 1040 2080 2520 4440 6660 45 30 215 200 50 -
Intensive English 1400 2800 3480 5760 8640
English for Work 1400 2800 - - -
English in the City 1400 2800 - - -
Academic Semester/Year 4,400 / 24 Hafta, 6,660 / 36 Hafta
Intensive Academic Semester/Year 5,760 / 24 Hafta, 8,640 / 36 Hafta
Intensive TOEFL Exam Preparation 1400 2800 3480 - -
Avustralya Brisbane General English 1520 3040 4440 - - 230 265 285 380 150 -
Standard Plus 1640 3280 4740 9240 13860
Intensive English 1760 3520 5040 9840 14760
IELTS Standard 1520 3040 4440 - -
IELTS Standard Plus 1640 3280 4740 9240 13860
IELTS Intensive 1760 3520 5040 9840 14760
Avustralya Gold Coast General English 1520 3040 4440 - - 230 265 285 260 150 -
Standard Plus 1640 3280 4740 9240 13860
Intensive English 1760 3520 5040 9840 14760
IELTS Standard 1520 3040 4440 - -
IELTS Standard Plus 1640 3280 4740 9240 13860
IELTS Intensive 1760 3520 5040 9840 14760
Avustralya Melbourne General English 1660 3320 4680 - - 230 280 325 240 200 -
Standard Plus 1820 3640 5280 9960 14940
Intensive English 1960 3920 5700 10800 16200
IELTS Standard 1660 3320 4680 - -
IELTS Standard Plus 1820 3640 5280 9960 14940
IELTS Intensive 1960 3920 5700 10800 16200
Avustralya Sydney General English 1660 3320 4680 - - 230 280 345 4450 180 -
Standard Plus 1820 3640 5280 9960 14940
Intensive English 1960 3920 5700 10800 16200
IELTS Standard 1660 3320 4680 - -
IELTS Standard Plus 1820 3640 5280 9960 14940
IELTS Intensive 1960 3920 5700 10800 16200